Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Assalamu'alaikum peeps!

Okay so I am trying not to scream and freaking out about today because....... I turn 21! yaass can you believe it? SubhanAllah, I'm getting older now and I can't thankful enough to Allah SWT that give me a chance to live my life till now Alhamdulillah. But you know I'm pretty scared because being 21 is not only about number but its about what will I do in the future. Have I planning my future yet? or have I make my parents proud and happy? like everything just coming thru my mind and fulfill my brain at this moment. Being an adult means you have to take tons of responsibilities, you gotta get more problems, you have to earn for ur own living, you have to find your future husband (the last one is for me hehe) etc etc. But life must go on and there is something wait for me that I shouldn't worried about. Yup wasting my time is my fear. I always over think about every single thing and I don't wanna waste every second of my life. Okay, maybe I'm just bit exegerrating *no totally!* I can't wait about what's coming in my life and what journey that am going thru. Sooo many thing that I can't even imagined. Afterward, this picture said...

Well, that makes me more relax now.... Anyway, I never celebarate my birthday except with my family and I would never ever regret that. Because for me, birthday is something that shouldn't be celebrate but its something to evaluate and give your self  a break to think what have you been done this whole time in your life? so I didn't want any present or birthday cake or sprinkle of glitter to suprise me. All I want is.... I can still see the sun shining in the morning and surrounded by people that I loved and of course be thankful for what I have. Thanks to Allah SWT for this life :) I wish I can be a better person in my future life, Aamiin.... 

Also not to forget to give a BIG shoutout to every mother in the world, especially my mom, I always make du'a for you, I love you sooo much every second in my life. Maybe you are not perfect for other people but you are for me and maybe I haven't make you proud and happy yet but I will, I promise. Thanks for being here and always beside me until now and I hope forever! Thank you  for your endless love. You are amazing mom I ever had. <3 HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

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